Lego, the beloved building block company, is taking a remarkable step towards inclusivity by unveiling an innovative set designed to help people with vision disabilities learn to read Braille. This unique move reflects Lego’s commitment to creating a more diverse and welcoming world, and as an NDIS provider on the Gold Coast, we couldn’t be more excited; our inner child is undoubtedly looking forward to having a play when they are released!
Announced recently, the pioneering Lego Braille Bricks — Play with Braille set consists of 287 bricks in five different colours. These bricks seamlessly integrate with traditional Legos, allowing children aged six and up to explore and engage in learning through play. What makes these bricks extraordinary is that each one features both a printed letter or number and raised studs in the Braille pattern corresponding to the character.
Braille Bricks
The Braille bricks have been thoughtfully crafted so that they are accessible to everyone, whether they are blind, partially sighted, or sighted. This inclusivity empowers families to bond and learn together, making it a playful and enriching experience for all. The Lego Group, in partnership with blind organizations from across the globe, developed and tested these Braille bricks. Initially provided to schools and institutions catering to children with vision impairments at no cost since 2020, the company responded to global demand by making them commercially available.
Martine Abel-Williamson, the president of the World Blind Union, expressed the significance of this step: “For the blind community, Braille is not just literacy, it’s our entry to independence and inclusion into this world, and to have Lego Braille bricks made available for the wider public is a massive step forward to ensuring more children will want to learn Braille in the first place.” She emphasized how the integration of Braille into a familiar product like Lego promotes learning in an enjoyable and relatable manner.
Lego has consistently demonstrated a commitment to inclusivity, previously introducing products that showcase characters with disabilities. The introduction of a minifigure in a wheelchair and the inclusion of characters with disabilities in the Lego Friends collection earlier this year highlight the company’s dedication to representing everyone.
Released on September 1st 2023
Starting September 1st, the Lego Braille Bricks — Play with Braille set will be accessible in English and French through the company’s website for $89.99. Additionally, versions in Italian, German, and Spanish are projected to be available in early 2024. This broad availability ensures that children and families around the world can participate in this unique and educational experience.
Lego’s introduction of Braille bricks underscores the importance of catering to everyone’s needs in a world that thrives on diversity. By merging play and learning, this innovative set opens doors to literacy and inclusion, fostering an environment where children of all abilities can come together to build, learn, and grow. As Lego continues to break down barriers and inspire creativity, it sets an inspiring example for other companies to follow suit in making their products more inclusive and accessible to all.